Sunday, August 5, 2012

POST #2--Extra Opportunities

When you see EXTRA OPPORTUNITIES, realize that these are not required assignments. 
The Teen Ink Opportunities should appeal to those who naturally like to write and/or draw. Teen Ink provides a reputable resource of writings, drawings, photography, and opportunities for you to submit your own work.

Download the current issue of the Teen Ink magazine at: In addition, request for a hard copy to be mailed to you.
Peruse the magazine and select one piece of writing (Editor's Choice with a red check) that inspires you to make a comment. Post the comment on .  (You'll need to register in order to post.)
1. Make a copy of at least one page of posted comments, including yours.
2. Make a copy of the piece of writing.
3.  Look for the following writing traits in the writing
a. Ideas/Content
b. Organization
c. Voice
d. Sentence Structure
e. Word Choice
Highlight where you find the above traits in the writing you printed.  Label the trait in the margin.  Write the specific quality of the trait in the margin.  (Refer to your 6 Traits of Writing Handout for the qualities of each trait.)

1. Print two well-written book reviews (Editor's Choice with a red check) from . If possible, one review needs to be of a book that you have read. The other review needs to be of a book that you have not read. Bring the printed reviews to class.

2. Look for the following writing traits in the writing
a. Ideas/Content
b. Organization
c. Voice
d. Sentence Structure
e. Word Choice
Highlight where you find the above traits in the writing you printed.  Label the trait in the margin.  Write the specific quality of the trait in the margin.  (Refer to your 6 Traits of Writing Handout for the qualities of each trait.)

1.Log on to and print a well-written piece of writing (Editor's Choice with a red check). 
2. In addition, please post a comment about that writing on . Please print a page of the comment thread, including your comment, and bring that to class with the piece of writing.  (You'll need to register in order to post.)

3.  Look for the following writing traits in the writing
a. Ideas/Content
b. Organization
c. Voice
d. Sentence Structure
e. Word Choice
Highlight where you find the above traits in the writing you printed.  Label the trait in the margin.  Write the specific quality of the trait in the margin.  (Refer to your 6 Traits of Writing Handout for the qualities of each trait.)
See Six Word Memoir and Multiple Intelligence(s) Packet below under Class Downloads on .
4. Six Word Memoir--Post your Memoir on your blog.
5. Multiple Intelligence Packet--Print and complete the parts of the packet that you complete.  Also, turn in a printed copy of your Personality Profile, highlight the parts that describe you, and write at least five anecdotes that support those parts.

Research the background of a song or famous work of art.  Paraphrase the research you discover.  Turn in the printed copy of research, the link to your research, song lyrics/copy of art, and your paraphrase.  Post your discoveries on your blog.
Following is an example of research that I discovered about Munch's famous work, "The Scream."
I found out that the artist wrote the following poem in his diary during January, 1892. 
“I was walking along the road with two friends.
The sun was setting.
I felt a breath of melancholy –
Suddenly the sky turned blood-red.
I stopped, and leaned against the railing,
deathly tired –
Looking out across the flaming clouds that
hung like blood and a sword
over the blue-black fjord and town.
My friends walked on – I stood there,
trembling with fear.
And I sensed a great, infinite scream pass through nature.”
(Munch, 1892)
If you will research the information on the following link, you will find how this piece of art related to the time when the artist lived.  You will also find how it relates to today's world.  Print the information that is on this website.  Highlight the information that you think is important and then paraphrase what you read.  Turn in the printed materials and your paraphrase.  Link:

Look at the college essay questions.   Add to that list by researching the current college/university essay questions.  Give me a list of new questions that you discover. Include where you found these questions. Answer one or more of the questions you found in a complete essay.  Post your answer on your blog.

Decorate Literary Terms to display in the classroom  (Must include the term, definition, and three examples.  The examples need to be from a piece we've read in class, your novel, and a movie.)  Decorate powerful passages of a book.

Write and submit a This I Believe essay in addition to the one that is required.

Poetry Visual Project
Record your voice reciting a favorite and meaningful poem.  Include visuals.  See the above link for an example. 

1. Log on to and print a well-written opinion piece of writing (Editor's Choice with a red check)that would elicit class discussion. You may or may not agree with the writer. 
2. In addition, please post a comment about that article on . Please print a page of the comment thread, including your comment, and bring that to class.  In addition, bring the opinion piece of writing. (You'll need to register in order to post.)
3.  Look for the following writing traits in the writing
a. Ideas/Content
b. Organization
c. Voice
d. Sentence Structure
e. Word Choice
Highlight where you find the above traits in the writing you printed.  Label the trait in the margin.  Write the specific quality of the trait in the margin.  (Refer to your 6 Traits of Writing Handout for the qualities of each trait.)

Read any of the articles that are posted on and write at least a two one page response letters to an adult of your choice.  You write the first letter; they respond; you respond to their letter.  Turn in the article that you highlighted and noted.  Turn in the three letters between you and the adult.  (Two letters from you and one from the adult.)

Read any of the short stories and/or poems under the downloads and write response letters between you and another adult or between you and a peer.